Abstract Awards and Prizes

IUSTI Best Presentation Awards

To recognise the best presentations at the IUSTI2024 congress, a total of eight awards are available for the best oral and poster presentations. 

The IUSTI Best Oral Presentation Awards 
Three awards (one winner and two runners-up) will be awarded to the presenters of the best oral presentation at the IUSTI2024 Congress. 

The IUSTI Best Poster Presentation Awards 
One award for each of the following tracks will be awarded to the presenter of the best poster presentation at the IUSTI2024 Congress. 

  • Basic and Laboratory Science
  • Clinical Management
  • Prevention
  • Epidemiology and Surveillance
  • Social research, Community engagement and policy

All accepted abstracts for oral or poster presentation at the IUSTI2024 Congress are eligible. No additional application is required. 

Judging criteria
All oral and poster presentations will be judged by an Award Review Panel consisting of IUSTI members. Selection criteria include originality and quality of work, along with presentation skills and styles. 

Winners will be announced in the IUSTI2024 closing plenary. Winners will receive an award certificate. 

ASHM Early Career Awards

Best Oral presentation for each of the following:
  • Basic and Laboratory Science
  • Clinical Management
  • Prevention
  • Epidemiology and Surveillance
  • Social research, Community engagement and policy


Those who have been working in the field for 0-5 years fit within the 'Early Career' category. If you have been in the field for over 5 years, you are not eligible for the Early Career Awards.

Winners for the Early Career Awards Prizes will be announced in the IUSTI closing plenary.
The winner receives a free registration for the IUSTI Congress 2025 or the Australasian Sexual and Reproductive Health Conference 2025.

ASHM Peoples Choice Award 

The ASHM People's Choice Award invites attendees to vote for the best poster through a democratic process. The winning poster, determined by popular vote, not only recognizes outstanding contributions but also rewards the winner with a prize, fostering a spirit of engagement and appreciation within the conference’s community.  

Sexual Health Society of Victoria Best Poster Awards

A total of three awards will be given for the best poster presentations at the 25th IUSTI World Congress Incorporating the Australasian Sexual and Reproductive Health Conference. This includes two Best Poster Awards by all presenters and one Best Student Poster Award by a student presenter. The award winner will receive a certificate and one-year SHSoV free membership.

• All accepted abstracts for poster presentation at the 25th IUSTI World Congress Incorporating the Australasian Sexual and Reproductive Health Conference are eligible.
• Abstracts that address sexual health and/or reproductive health issues focusing on people in Victoria, or the primary/presenting author is based in Victoria.
• To be eligible for the Best Student Poster Award, the presenter must be a current undergraduate or postgraduate student and register as “Students” at the conference. Both part-time and full-time students are eligible.

Judging criteria
• The Best Poster Awards will be judged by the SHSOV executive committee. It will be based on the scientific quality and novelty of the abstract and the design of poster (e.g. layout, overall visual).

Jan Edwards Prize

The Jan Edwards Prize is awarded for the best research based abstract oral presentation by a registered Australasian Chapter of Sexual Health Medicine (AChSHM) trainee.

The Prize is named in honour of Dr Jan Edwards, the long-serving Executive Secretary of the former Australasian College of Sexual Health Physicians (ACSHP). She served 19 years with the ACSHP and oversaw its transition into the current AChSHM of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians.


Applicants must be a registered AChSHM trainee. Previous Jan Edwards Prize recipients are ineligible to apply again.

Selection process

Research based abstracts submitted for this award will be reviewed by an Award Review Panel consisting of members of the AChSHM. Submissions that demonstrate are of a high standard will be selected for oral presentation at the 25th IUSTI World Congress Incorporating the Australasian Sexual and Reproductive Health Conference. Your presentation should be about original and unpublished observations made by you.

Judging criteria of the presentations will take into account:

  • scientific merit
  • quality of data
  • research based abstract
  • contribution to knowledge
  • presentation and adherence to time
  • response to questions

To view more information about the Jan Edwards Prize please view the AChSHM website

Sexual Health Journal

The Sexual Health Journal publishes contributions on sexual health from the widest perspectives including HIV/AIDS, STIs. Issues of sexuality, and reproductive health.

All accepted abstracts will be published in the Sexual Health Journal to be published online in time for the conference!

About the Journal 
Sexual Health publishes original and significant contributions to the fields of sexual health including HIV/AIDS, Sexually transmissible infections, issues of sexuality and relevant areas of reproductive health. This journal is directed to those working in sexual health as clinicians, public health practitioners, researchers in behavioural, clinical, laboratory, public health or social, sciences. The journal publishes peer reviewed original research, editorials, review articles, topical debates, case reports and critical correspondence. Authors interested in preparing a feature article, a mini-review or a viewpoint article are invited to discuss the matter with the Editor.  

View more information about the Journal here

Gollow Lecture Award

The Gollow Lecture
During his triennium (1988-1991) as inaugural President of the Australasian College of Venereologists Dr Morris Gollow and his wife Suzette endowed funds for an honorarium to be given to the invited presenter of the Gollow Lecture, delivered at the annual scientific meeting of the College.

AM, MRCS (Engl.), LRCP (Lond.), DepVen (Lond.), PPACSHP

Dr Gollow was born in London in 1925 and trained there, graduating in 1949.
He emigrated to WA in July 1956 and after two years in a remote area moved to Perth.  In 1974 he left general practice and joined the Health Department of WA as a venereologist in the Royal Perth Hospital.  One of the organisers of the First National Conference on STDs in Australia, held in Perth in August 1978, he was also President of the WA Venereal Diseases Society from 1980 until his retirement in 1986.
In 1981 he became a Foundation Member of the National Venereology Council of Australia and in 1987 a Founding Fellow of the Australasian College of Venereologists.
He was awarded the Member of the Order of Australia for services to Medicine, particularly in the field of venereology.

IUSTI Prestigious Annual Lecture

Since 2016, a plenary presenter has been carefully selected by the IUSTI Congress President and awarded the ‘IUSTI Prestigious Lecture’. This tradition has continued for the 25th IUSTI World Congress honouring Professor Michael Marks with the award for his presentation on ‘The global syphilis epidemic: why is this happening and what should we do about it’. His presentation will take place on Wednesday 18 September in the IUSTI Opening Plenary and it is not one to be missed.

Past IUSTI Prestigious Lectures:

  • 1st   2016 (Morocco) - Professor Glenda Gray 'HIV: How to get to zero infections?'
  • 2nd  2017 (Brazil) - Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo 'Update on vaginal microbiome research'
  • 3rd   2018 (Dublin) - 2018 Dr. Marleen Timmerman - ‘Sexual health, sexual rights, and HIV/STI among women in East-Africa’
  • 4th   2019 (Vancouver) - Dr. Jorgen Jensen ‘Revising STI treatment guidelines in times of rapidly evolving antimicrobial resistant STIs’
  • 5th    2021 (Amsterdam virtual and joint Prestigious lecture with ISSTDR) Dr. Joan Chow ‘Tribute to Dr. Julius Schacter’
  • 6th    2022  (Victoria Falls) - Dr Yuka Manabe ‘Existing point-of-care tests and future developments for diagnosis and antimicrobial resistance testing’
  • 7th    2023 (Chicago) – two speakers in a 1-hour symposium on ‘Sexual Health during Social Disruption’ with Dr Frances Cowen on ‘Providing services for criminalised key populations’ and Dr Valeska Padovese on ‘Refugee and migrant care’

"An interpretation of the layers of occupation of First Nations People (Gumbaynggirr/Bundjalung Naions) and their symbiotic relationship with flora and fauna on the mighty Clarence River"
Artwork: "Bindarray"
- River by Deborah Taylor 

We acknowledge that the conference is being held the traditional lands of the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation. We recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' continuing connection to land, water, and community and we pay our respects to Elders past and present. ASHM acknowledges Sovereignty in this country has never been ceded. It always was, and always will be, Aboriginal land.